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Capillary Hydroponics - Installation instructions

Capillary Hydroponics - Installation instructions

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1. Excavate sub-base, prepare a stone-free and flat-bottom cavity with vertical walls 40cm/16” deep, divide it in two with a divider to create two exactly equally large cavities.

2. Trench slits with at least 0,5% fall for drainpipes in sub-base, 5 m (16 ft) from outer walls and 10 m (32 ft) apart. Install specified pond-liner in the two cavities over the trenches and the divider. Make sure there is some extra liner material over the divider and around the edges as these areas usually need more during the installation of Capillary Material.

3. Lay down drainpipes in the slits, on top of the liner. The drainpipes should have a 0.5% fall towards the basin. Cover them with gravel and cover the liner floor with at least 5 cm (2 inches) of gravel.

4. Connect the drainpipes to one single solid pipe that connects to the Capillary Hydroponic Basin outside the cavity and liner. Each basin connects to two pipes, one from each cavity made up from the divider installed. Enter the liner with a sleeve and make sure the correct sealing instructions are followed.

5. Level the gravel surface and install 5 cm (2 inches) of Capillary Material on top. Make sure to level the Capillary Material with laser grading equipment.

6. Install the growing medium specified by CapillaryFlow as root-zone material.

7. Make final adjustments to the controller and water levels in the Hydroponic chamber and seed or sprig grass to establish.

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